Last Initial : A (9)
Cody Allen | Emergency Medical Services | Faculty | <DIV class=word>callen2</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Olker Alva | Office of Student Financial Services | Director of Student Accounts and Veteran Affairs | <DIV class=word>oalva</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7831 | |
Carol Ames | Office of First Impressions | Director of First Impressions & Auxiliary Services | <DIV class=word>cames</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7826 | |
Susan Anderson | Dental Hygiene | PT Dental Instructor | <DIV class=word>sanderson1</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7721 | |
Vanessa Anderson | Liberal Arts | Adjunct Contract | <DIV class=word>vanderson</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Albert Antonini | Criminal Justice | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>aantonini</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Lobar Araslanova | ESL | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>laraslanova</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Pauline Ash | Adjunct Faculty Work-study | | <DIV class=word>pash</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Elizabeth Aura | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>eaura</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Last Initial : B (5)
Nicole Bailey | Cybersecurity & Networking (BS) | Adjunct Faculty | #Name? | 800-466-8017 | |
Jaclyn Balan | Legal Studies | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>jbalan</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Carlos Baradat | Legal Studies | Adjunct Contract | <DIV class=word>cbaradat</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Candido Barbosa | Plant Operations | Facilities Manager | <DIV class=word>cbarbosa</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6120 | |
William Bullock | Center for Academic Excellence | Associate Director of Faculty Operations & SACSCOC Liason | <DIV class=word>wbullock</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7726 | |
Last Initial : C (14)
| | Campus Security - Building H | | 239-777-8802 | |
Liana Calderin | Applied Psychology | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>lcalderin</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Leisha Cali | ESL | Director of ESL | <DIV class=word>lcali</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6156 | |
Katherine Callard | ESL | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>kcallard</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Christelle Calungcaguin | Cybersecurity & Networking (BS) | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>ccalungcaguin</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Skip Camp | Plant Operations | Director of Facilities & Campus Safety | <DIV class=word>bcamp</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6209 | |
Danielle Carnes | Computer Information Technology | | <DIV class=word>dcarnes</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7701 | |
Elizabeth Casanas Fellove | | Lab Assistant | <DIV class=word>ecasanas</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Jack Che | Information Technology | Applications Manager | <DIV class=word>jche</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7779 | |
Nancy Cheser | ESL | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>ncheser</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Deborah Clark | Office of Admissions | Director of Admissions | <DIV class=word>dclark</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7740 | |
Teresa Collazo | Office of the Registrar | Student Records Specialist & First Impressions Back-up | <DIV class=word>tcollazo</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7837 | |
William Cooney | Humanities | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>wcooney</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Marcia Coyle | Nursing | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>mcoyle2</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Last Initial : D (1)
Tracey Durham | Office of Finance | Director of Human Resources | <DIV class=word>tdurham</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6139 | |
Last Initial : E (2)
Randy Eldridge | Accounting | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>reldridge</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Marwa Elmasry | Health Sciences | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>melmasry</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Last Initial : F (2)
Donald Forrer | Business Administration | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>dforrer</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Front Desk | | | #Name? | 800-466-8017 | |
Last Initial : G (8)
Rossana Garcia-Fernandez | Health Sciences | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>rgarcia-fernandez</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Maria Garcia-Salas | Office of the Registrar | Student Records Coordinator | #Name? | 800-466-8017 x6117 | |
Cristina Gonzalez | Information Technology | Assistant for Helpdesk Support | <DIV class=word>cgonzalez</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Julissa Gonzalez | Emergency Medical Services | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>jgonzalez5</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Soray Gordils | Office of Student Financial Services | Financial Aid Coordinator | <DIV class=word>sgordils</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6290 | |
Jerold Greenfield | Liberal Arts | Adjunct Contract | <DIV class=word>jgreenfield2</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Nicole Griffin | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>ngriffin</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Arkady Grinberg | Drafting and Design | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>agrinberg</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Last Initial : H (5)
Barry Harris | Health Sciences | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>bharris</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Jesus Hernandez | ESL | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>jhernandez1</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Georgette Hinds | Business Administration | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>ghinds</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Melissa Houston | Management | Faculty | <DIV class=word>mhouston</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6270 | |
Nicole Hurley | Office of the Registrar | University Registrar | <DIV class=word>nhurley</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6102 | |
Last Initial : I (2)
Francis Ikeokwu | | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>fikeokwu</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Frits Ikundi | Finance | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>fikundi</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Last Initial : J (2)
Renata (Renee) Jara | Finance | Staff Accountant | <DIV class=word>rjara</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6196 | |
Krystina Jones | Office of Finance | Benefits and Payroll Manager | <DIV class=word>kjones</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6170 | |
Last Initial : K (3)
Adrian Kerr | Workforce Development | Vice President of Workforce Development Programs | <DIV class=word>akerr</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6161 | |
Spiros Klentzeris | Plant Operations | Maintenance Worker | <DIV class=word>sklentzeris</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Ryan Kozan | Dental Clinic | Part-Time Dental Instructor | <DIV class=word>rkozan</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7787 | |
Last Initial : L (2)
Bernardo Lima | ESL | Adjunct ESL Instructor | <DIV class=word>blima</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Petra Lopez | Office of Academic Affairs | Administrative Assistant | <DIV class=word>pbrunori-lopez</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7832 | |
Last Initial : M (7)
Erica Marin | Office of First Impressions | First Impressions & Auxiliary Services Coordinator | <DIV class=word>emarin</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Javier Marin | Office Of Student Accounts | PT Veterans Services Coordinator | <DIV class=word>jmarin</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7783 | |
Steven Martinez | Management | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>smartinez5</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Arthur McElroy | Drafting and Design | Program Chair, Digital Design and Graphics | <DIV class=word>amcelroy</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6212 | |
Ronald McKnew | Information Technology | Assistant Direct of IT for Infrastructure | <DIV class=word>rmcknew</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6188 | |
Michael McSheehy | Emergency Medical Services | Instructor | <DIV class=word>mmcsheehy</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Ronald Meschko | Information Technology | Director of IT | <DIV class=word>rmeschko</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6172 | |
Last Initial : N (6)
Kristen Neagle | Nursing | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>kneagle</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Annette Nelson | Office of Student Financial Services | Student Accounts Coordinator | <DIV class=word>anelson4</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7723 | |
Linda Nguyen | Office of Finance | Vice President of Finance | <DIV class=word>lnguyen3</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6280 | |
Elisa Niles | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Faculty | <DIV class=word>eniles</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7705 | |
Carlos Nunez-Peralta | Information Technology | Assistant for Helpdesk Support | <DIV class=word>cnunez-peralta</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Mary Nuosce | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Faculty | <DIV class=word>mnuosce</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Last Initial : P (5)
Robert Pastula | Criminal Justice | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>rpastula</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Francisco Perez-Mas | ESL | Faculty | <DIV class=word>fperez-mas</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7808 | |
Guinevere Perry | Liberal Arts | Adjunct | <DIV class=word>gperry@</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Martin Peters | Paralegal Studies | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>mpeters</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Davor Pranjic | Business Administration | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>dpranjic</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Last Initial : R (4)
Kyle Reisen | Cybersecurity & Networking | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>kreisen</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Richard Rietz | Criminal Justice | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>rrietz</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Miles Rubinski | Biomedical Science | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>mrubinski</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7748 | |
Marco Ruiz Guillen | ESL | Faculty | <DIV class=word>mruizguillen</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Last Initial : S (14)
Jessica Sagastume | Applied Psychology | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>jsagastume</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Elizabeth Sanchez | Office of Student Financial Services | PT Financial Aid Coordinator | <DIV class=word>esanchez4</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7750 | |
Anaily Sanchez | Office of Student Financial Services | Director of Financial Aid | <DIV class=word>asanchez1</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7716 | |
Joseph Sansone | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>jsansone</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
George Sarantos | Health Sciences | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>gsarantos</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Diana Schultz | Office of the President | Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost | <DIV class=word>dschultz2</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7724 | |
James Short | Computer Information Technology | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>jshort</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Isaac Sinsimon | Information Technology | IT help Desk Tech | <DIV class=word>isinsimon</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7701 | |
Jean Smart | ESL | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>jsmart</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Jason Stephens | Plant Operations | Facilities Manager | <DIV class=word>jstephens</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6229 | |
Angie Sullivan | | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>asullivan</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Scott Swiatek | Information Technology | Applications Coordinator | <DIV class=word>sswiatek</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7771 | |
Thomas Swiersz | Mathematics | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>tswiersz</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Jamin Switzer | Nursing | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>jswitzer</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Last Initial : T (2)
Lieksan Tan | Plant Operations | CWS Maintenance | <DIV class=word>ltanjunco@mail</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Brittney Thomas | Office of First Impressions | First Impressions & Auxiliary Services Coordinator | <DIV class=word>bthomas</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7770 | |
Last Initial : U (1)
Nitza Ubarri | Finance | Staff Accountant | <DIV class=word>nubarri</FONT></DIV> | 0 | |
Last Initial : V (1)
Cynthia Vaccarino | Physical Therapist Assistant | Adjunct Contract | <DIV class=word>cvaccarino</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Last Initial : W (7)
Charlene Wendel | Office of the President | President | <DIV class=word>cwendel</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6234 | |
Riva Wharton | Library | Librarian | <DIV class=word>rwharton</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7813 | |
Anthony Williams | Management | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>awilliams1</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
James Williams | Interdisciplinary Studies | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>jwilliams4</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Camilla Williams | Office of the Registrar | Student Records Coordinator | <DIV class=word>cwilliams2</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7792 | |
George Wolak | Nursing | Adjunct Faculty | <DIV class=word>gwolak</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 | |
Melanie Wright | Office of Student Financial Services | Assistant Director of Student Accounts & Veteran Services | <DIV class=word>mwright</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x7829 | |
Last Initial : Z (1)
Jeffrey Ziomek | Emergency Medical Services | Program Director of Emergency Medical Services | <DIV class=word>jziomek</FONT></DIV> | 800-466-8017 x6113 | |